Life of Interspersion

12 July 2006


在現今二十一世紀科技資訊發達的年代, 人們通信,交流訊息的方式也隨之改變. 往昔那些甚麼白鴿傳書, 書信交筆友….等已被電腦網絡聯繫媒體所取代. 如: Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger, ICQ,. IPhone, net-meeting.. 我們應該為此而高興還是慨歎!

事實上,有很多人也是通過以上方法來結交朋友,尋找配偶.在我周邊的朋友, 亦有好幾個實例,成功地找到自已的另一半.是他們幸運之果??

在虛擬的網絡世界裏可以任意改編一個網名和那些沒有見過面的人交談, 可以輸發自已情感, 盡吐苦水, 總好過面對面去指責現實裏的朋友或家人. 而且可以瞭解別國的文化及他們生活見聞.

我也嘗試過和不同國家的人閒聊, 但很多都是短站性的無聊之談的網友.只有幾位保持了六年的時間, 現在還有繼續聯繫. 但我對於這點還是覺的有點疑惑,到底網絡之友可以深交嗎? 我們可否成為真正的朋友?


Blogger Pandabonium said...

I still prefer getting a postal letter rather than electronic communication.

Except bills of course. ;^)

8:51 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not surprisingly, you used those free transaltion tools from internet to translate it. I wond how many you could undertand. I tried to use Bable Fish to translate your blog post into Chinese last time, it turn out a different meaning with English one.

It is the same as my Chinese posting, I tried "Dr. Eye" to work it out in English, it mess-up half of my idea.

Anyway, thank you for visiting in the early morning. I do like postal communication too.

11:12 AM
Blogger HappySurfer said...

Dear, dear Panda, you got me there. LOL!! Talk about babbling (as in Babel Fish). Still chuckling.

4:57 PM
Blogger The Moody Minstrel said...

To answer your last question, I believe it's possible, though it's probably inevitable that people will regard faceless net friends differently from people they meet face to face. Even so, I think people can value their cyber-friends very much.

Speaking of which, I still don't understand why you want me to delete you from my list...

8:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A never ending chuckling, huh ! :-D

U did a good interpretation work. Well done!
Accept your answer with pleasure. However, people could acted several roles in the cyber-land and full of crazy imagination in their mind. How you value it?

I still don't understand why you want me to delete you from my list...
Keep silence. >_<#

3:08 PM

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