“CooKoo, cookoo, cookoooooooooo..起床啦! 起床啦!”
“CooKoo, cookoo, cookoooooooooo..起床啦! 起床啦!”
星期六早上六時已被枕邊的手提電話鬧鐘聲喚醒. 可能你會懷疑在週末不用上班, 為何這麼早起床! 平日懶惰的我, 總是在週末睡到九時半或十時才起床. 但是今天報了名參加一天遊, 前往廣東省中山市小攬鎮賞菊展. 而旅行社特定八時正於拱北關口集合.
我們到達集合地點還早了十分鐘, 於是找領隊報到. 但總會有些人是遲到, 不守時, 要等到八時二十分才出發. 哎!, 大群人去旅行總是如此.
小欖鎮離澳們須兩小時的車程便可抵達. 它位於珠江三角洲中部,是廣東省中山市的重鎮..旅行社先安排我們到石歧附近的農莊果園參觀,大遍綠油油的果樹.雖然不是水果成熟季節,但還是看到楊桃, 木瓜..及品嘗到由樹上摘下來的新鮮水果.
已成熟的楊桃, 還有木瓜
蛇瓜---因形態似蛇. 由豆角和絲瓜交接栽植而成:
參觀完後大約已是正午十二時, 該是午飯時間. 領隊帶我們往果園附近的一間餐館吃午飯. 以旅行餐的菜肴來說, 也算很好的一餐. 八個小菜, 一個燙. 有毛蟹, 蝦, 鴨, 魚, 菜,甜品及水果. 領隊說, 每位只須人民幣五十元. 很超值呢!
午飯後繼續往我們的目的地. 四十五分鐘車程終於到達了菊展覽會場地---小攬. 小欖鎮又稱菊城,是廣東省有名的藝菊之鄉。當地群眾熟諳菊性,擅於栽培,技藝精湛,家家戶戶都精心培育若干獨特的盆菊,互相交流觀賞,作為日常生活的一項藝術和情趣。有隔60年舉行一次盛大的“甲戌”菊花會的鄉俗習慣 .
此次菊展分為三個大展區, 分別設江濱公園、龍山公園、人民公園..菊會一般分大立菊精品、名菊薈萃、菊花盆景等7個欣賞區。展品內容有亭、台、樓、閣、塔、壁、牌坊等造型景點及用菊花為主題的詩詞、對聯、書法、美術、文學、攝影、插花藝術、手工作品和飲食、食品等比賽及展覽活動.
十二生肖樂隊菊花燈飾中的龍及蛇. 它們可愛嗎?
中國佛塔 及菊花塔是仿照內蒙古的白搭而造

在回程途中, 那時只是四時三十分, 大部份團友已在車內小睡反而我卻不覺疲倦,坐在座位處欣賞源路風景. 兩旁有綠油油的田園, 高山環繞, 還可目睹紅紅的太陽在那遙遠的西方之山峰上漫漫落下. 好像造成一幅美麗圖畫於眼前.
當車開了大半的路程, 將近半小時到達珠海時,真倒楣! 車廂裏的某一小零件發生了問題, 要停泊在公路旁並叫人來檢查及更換. 那時, 很多團友都下車來舒展手腳, 因長途車實在很疲倦. 我們停流了二十五分鐘, 當時有很多蚊飛入了車內, 又不能打開視窗. 於是各人都拿起報刊,畫報等物件將那些蚊驅散或用手拍死它們. 眾人都哄堂大笑, 難道這是一個特別的餘慶節目在歸家途中安排給我們!
Ravishing Maple Leaves
As all we know the Global warming phenomenon. In recent years, the Autumn season is always late to arrive in here. I could just feel a crisp Autumn day starts by the end of October!
I received a forwarded e-mail from a friend lately who sent me some redness, golden Maple Leaves landscape photographs which were took in Beijing Haidian district.
Oh.. what so lovely and beautiful photos to enjoy and I hope to fly over there for spending a ravishing vacation.
It is obviously let’s feel the romantic, warm and poetic scenes across the mountain district with all Maple leaves.
A long steeply road leads us to find another mysterious scenery.
The silence of that little hut was expelled from redness maple leaves and made it a bit cheerful.
It seems lots of lover’s footprints left there to keep a good memory. Hmm..hmm..I wish someone could walk with me together at there.*~*

From this series photos, what kind of inspiration will give to you? Perhaps, it implies to us about:
Don’t let the good, beauty sceneries elapsed hastily in your eyes! Don’t forge to capture treasure good moment in our life!
Sometimes all beautiful things are vanished quickly!
Let’s do remember to solidify these beauties forever in your memory!
It will be a source of your soul!
Fun 3D Meez
I have searched several web-sites and would like to make an animation Avatar for a long time. Either some aren't attracted me or some aren't so vivid.
Huh...I found Meez on today occasionally and made the following avatar that really looks like my present reflection and mood when working in the office. So COOL!
“Oops, still not the time to off work NOW?”:-D