Concert in Venetian Hotel
平淡的農曆新年閃眼間已過, 今年沒有去短程旅行, 因為人太多而且只是三天新年假期. 只是留在這兒, 往那些新落成的酒店逛逛.,拍照, 看舞獅…等. 沒甚麼特別…每年也是類似節目.但幸好於農曆年初六晚還有個特別娛興節目, 我邀請了父母去威尼斯人酒店看許冠傑演唱會.

威尼斯人酒店裏的金光綜藝館可容納一萬多觀眾, 这里曾舉辦過很多大型節目.
如NBA篮球比赛, Celine Dion, AirSupply 演唱会..
[Simple stage background design, Sam Hui & his dancers]

[what did I shoot in this photo??? these are twinkling lighting sticks effect when he was singing ---starry starry night]
此次請來了[香港歌神]之稱的許冠傑來演唱, 他於七十和八十年代譜下了許多通俗而具鼓舞性的廣東歌. 很受中青年人及長者的歡呼. 所以那天晚上之場館已差不多滿座.
現在讓我們來分享他的其中一首樂曲 --- 財神到吧! 很有新年氣氛
I'm glad he has come out of retirement. I love his songs. What an appropriate video for the CNY. Thanks for sharing it, PP. Hope you had a great CNY celebration and may the year of the Ox bring you much happiness, health and prosperity.
Ooh, I was in Macau for a day over Christmas and we had a meal in the Venetian Hotel. It was really strange to see the indoor canals and 'daylight' inside the hotel! What do you think of it?
Actually in the concert he did sing that song “財神到”and gave red-pocket money to audience [only in the front rows]. I wasn’t that lucky.
Nowadays, many retirement Hong Kong singers had come up again to act on stage and their fans are still that crazy. I felt their songs are much more meaningful and great singing skill than the new singers.
Ah.....when you were in Macao over Christmas, I was in HK with my brother’s family to have fun in Ocean Park and walked around so many places there.
Well, since Macao is a very small city near PRC, it could open a grand enterprise to offer some entertainment to us and travelers; I should felt proud as one of the citizens.
Then again, I’ve been to Venetian Hotel in Les Vegas of L.A., it is exactly the same design as Macao’s one. Of course atmosphere is very different.
hey, thanks for this post
would love to wathc, i grew up with his songs..
singing the hearts of the da gong chai.. haha
Sam WHO-i? ;-)
U're welcome.
Exactly, his songs sing out hears of the Da Gong Chai and very encourage to us. That's why I love to watch his concert.
The Moody Minstrel:
Hey, not u. ;-).
If you show yr. own concert one day in JP or somewhere, I sure be your audience. ^_~
Wei wei, how are you, Pink Panther? Any Spring update, eh?
is there a dvd for this performance?
Hello Robin:Oops, concert in Macao there isn't a DVD. I trust you could find one dvd in SG some Vedio shops of his performance in HK. May be not expensive,of course isn't those copy ones
Dun have la..
I cannot find in SG..
I found his latest album.. it comes with a free dvd,
but not the concert one
Whoa, great. U got it finally.
Enjoy listening lar.
One of his songs I like it very much which is "梨窩浅笑"
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