Sounds of Wind-Chimes..
最近的某一天, 當我打開家中的信箱時, 收到一張溫情洋溢而且充滿詩意的一張風鈴明信片, 份外高興. 自從有了電子通信後, 實在已很久沒有收到朋友郵寄的信或者明信片., 而這張正是我一位日本同事寄來的.
你看! 一串串透明倒掛著的半球形玻璃球, 搖風寄語, 將她一點兒的親切問候隨風吹送到這兒來. 再此我寫出誠意致謝! 希望她工作順利, 事事如意!
看著此明信片時, 使我頓感到轉瞬間夏天快將過去, 秋天也即將來臨.我特別喜愛秋天, 微風迎來,周圍的花草樹木之顏色都在變化, 另人倍感舒服. 所以每年的秋天, 我都掛上那兩串熒光黃的星星風鈴在客廳和陽臺間的窗架上, 休憩時坐於客廳裏, 一邊品茶, 一邊看書同時聆聽那由微風吹奏起的輕鬆而優美的風鈴聲, 仿如進入大自然的懷抱里似的, 使我心境變得平靜.
在寧靜環境中, 靜聽輕柔的風鈴聲, 會另人有不同的情緒, 可能是思念, 歡欣, 又或者.....那么當你聽到這一點點的鈴聲時, 你會想起甚么???
現在也讓我將風鈴所傳來的寄語帶比海外的家人, 網友或者很長時間沒有聯絡的朋友, 願你們健康, 快樂!!!
It's still too hot to feel like Autumn yet, but that's a very cheery-looking card. As it does with you, it evokes sentimental feelings in me.
I've always liked wind chimes, especially those little crystal or porcelain ones that are popular here in Japan. They have such a pleasant, cheerful sound. They add a nice note to a summer evening.
I had one when I first came to Japan and was living alone in a dorm-style apartment for municipal workers (i.e. a filthy, old concrete box filled with cockroaches and dead birds). It never failed to cheer me up when a nice breeze was blowing...till a typhoon came and shredded it...
I can’t imagine you’ve been lived in such a place in JP before. You seemed look like a nomad at that time. ;-) Though the typhoon shredded your wind-chime, you would admired/enjoyed your own musical composition more than the note from wind-chimes.
What would I think of when I listened to those natural tones? Erm…Class Bells, a church wedding Bells, Temples....
Now…my two strings fluorescence STAR Wind-Chimes are swaying in the breeze!
I have no idea what your post says, but I like the picture. We have a cast metal bell by our door which is about 10cm in diameter. When the wind blows, it sounds like a temple bell or the local fire truck bell.
The tinkle of those small glass chimes is nice in summer.
I am deeply appreciated your comment, though you don’t understand my Chinese Post. (*Blush*)
I’ve just expressed my random thought about Wind-Chime when I received that Wind-Chime Postcard from my Japanese colleague. ^_^
*O*, you put a cast metal bell at your door instead of the Electricity Bell?
Pandabonium, try going here, cut and paste the Chinese text into the text box, and then select translate "trad. Chinese to English".
It comes out a fascinating, mixed-up mess of English, but it's enough to understand Pink Panther's sentiments very well!
Thanks MM. That helps a lot.
PP Actually we have both. The metal one was made by an artist and has a really clear ring. We have lots of little chimes, both metal and glass we either received as gifts or bought as souvenirs.
It reminds me of a conductor we had at the Maui Symphony. His name was Joseph Gunsinger and he was from Switzerland. He and his wife smuggled large cow bells out of part of Burma into Thailand - each one chosen for its tone. He then composed a piece for orchestra and cow bells that we performed. It was wonderful.
thanks for your wishes..
nice jap[ card
I noticed that you changed your profile pic. into a cute cat. Nice.
But I still like your old profile one (Badman - Robin).
The Conductor composed a piece for orchestra and cow bells that we performed.
Umm…interesting to know, I think you could play various orchestras, similar to
Ha. Well, the bells were much larger than that and didn't have that kind of sound. They were arranged on a big frame behind the orchestra so that the varoious sizes could be struck by the percussionists. Gunzinger (I misspelled it above) was an interesting guy. He recorded some music with the London Symphony. Most of what is available about him if one searches the web is in German.
It is fun to play different kinds music anyway.
I'm not much of a wind-chime person. I find the tingling sound rather eerie especially at night.
That's a nice card, PP.
Happy, what's wrong with being eeeeerrrriiiiiieeeee??????
Moody & Happy:
I think those eerie sounds what Happy thought probably brought from one of the traditional sacrifices ceremony which was hold by Buddhism when the Buddhist chants sutras and scriptures.
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