Arrrg..AH!! AH!!! MY ELBOW...
OH, my fat fat elbow was scald
昨天熨衣服時, 不小心碰到熨斗的頂端,燙傷了手肘的表面皮膚. 當時又紅又腫. 于是用燙火藥膏涂搽在傷口(約15mmx6mm), 經過一晚後, 今天起床時, 怎料那腫脹的水泡穿了還有些流血. 所以用藥綿粘些獅子油(Josalon’s Healing Oil) 即時令它止了血, 再用消毒紗布包紮傷口, 就造成這個怪怪的手肘.
欸!!! 為何會這樣不留神, 希望那傷口治愈後, 不會有疤痕留下吧!
欸!!! 為何會這樣不留神, 希望那傷口治愈後, 不會有疤痕留下吧!
Oops... can not read anything in here because my home pc doesn't recognize chinese characthers... :(
Anyway, hope that your elbow is ok now :)
I am so sorry that happened to you. I had a similar burn on my forearm when I was about 12 - a hot engine sparkplug was the cause.
That sounds like a second degree burn. It may take several weeks to completely heal, but you need to be careful of infection. It sounds like you are. If it doesn't start to look better after one week, pleese see a doctor.
I hate burns! To me it is the worst kind of injury.
Hope you heal soon. Don't worry about a scar on your elbow. If you get one you can always tell people you got during a fencing competition in France.
I agree with Panda-B. It sounds like a second degree burn. I wouldn't put oil on it or otherwise try to treat it yourself. Those can get infected very easily.
Take Panda-B's advice. See a doctor. With proper treatment scarring will be minimal if any, and, more importantly, no infection.
(My son got a second-degree burn on his butt from sitting on a hot stove right after getting out of the bath last winter, and after treatment there is no trace left.)
Oh my goodness, that must have hurt. You may want to see a doctor if it doesn't get better. Take care, PP.
I'm glad to hear Moody's son didn't get a scar. Hard to explain one on the butt as a fencing injury. ;^)
(Seriously though, I know it was anything but funny at the time and I felt really bad for the little guy.)
Take care PP.
Dear all:
Thank you for your warmth concern and advices.
Don't worry, it's the first degree burn only. I did go to see the skin specialist on this evening. The doctor prescribed me an injection to stop the ichors and asked me to take medicines for 3 days. The most important advices from the specialist are:
1) Avoid eating some noxious food, e.g. Shrimp, duck, octopus, crab...
2) Don’t make the wound wet by water. Hence, it is a troublesome for me when I have to take my shower. :-p
Would it be possible as children skins are much more tender and easy to get heal and didn’t have scar? I thought Mr. Moody Minstrel must worried a lot at that time. All in all, it isn’t good to leave a scar on the butt, either for kid or adult. ^_^
All in all, it isn’t good to leave a scar on the butt, either for kid or adult.
Why is that? Other than "cosmetic" reasons.
I could lick it and make it all better.
(just kidding) wag wag wag
A gentle touch on Momo’s head. (Thanks.)
If it could be all better by your licking, I’ll see you as my “God” or a super-function DOGgie.GY :-D
I don’t advocate so much to do “cosmetic”. One of my friend went to shed some moles (on her face) in the Hospital around 4 years ago, she still has a bit little scar on her face.
hmmm..你可以用个D仕油抹它阁吗? 听话可以消肿阁bo.....
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