Charity Bazaar
難得在一個天朗氣清的周日, 中午約了幾位朋友去新麗華酒店的中餐廳飲茶,我們議論了一輪後, 終于決定午飯後去園游會.
甚么園遊會? 就是一年一度由明愛舉辦的慈善園遊會.
明愛是服務了社會弱勢社群有五十多年機構, 它服務澳門社會不同階層,包括安老、複康、熱線輔導、推動社區、露宿者、複康巴士、家庭問題輔導、婦女中心、托兒服務、敎育服務等,並推動社區閱讀文化,推動靑少年文化生活,協助失業人士,助養本地、南亞和內地兒童,幫助南亞水災和地震災民等。

舉辦此慈善園遊會目的是籌募年度社會服務經費. 園遊會已成為居民踴躍行善獻愛心的慈善嘉年華活動之一。今年園遊會主題為“齊喜樂,共分享”,其內容豐富, 設有各類文娛節目, 還有以各類多姿多采的攤位遊戲為主,大部分的攤位遊戲都是由那些教會學校, 慈善團契負責. 所以每年這個時間那些中學生也很花心思去設計攤位遊戲, 輿觀眾同樂. 同場還設展覽區、兒童嬉戲區、美食區及DIY區等。
在園遊會裡逗留了整個下午, 除了玩遊戲獲得些小獎品 (文具, 毛公仔, 零食,小擺設..)外, 最重要的是做了善事. 助人為快樂之本, 施比受更為有福!
I like to see bazaar because got many interesting stuff and also food :)
Selba & Winn:
That’s a good day to relax in the Bazaar, so much fun and entertainment.
It’s a comfort to my best to donate money for charity.
As people always says: “Give is more blessed than to receive”!.
哇! 那聽起來一個非常大和活躍慈善組織, 因此這一定是一次非常大和活躍游泳比賽!
Did what I just wrote make sense?
I can’t help stop laughing when I read your comment. (L.O.L) . I understand that’s the translation result from web-tool (babel fish or free
Well, your writing was almost correct.
“園遊會” in English is Bazaar or Charity fair, NOT SWIMMING COMPETITION. ;^)
Caritas of Macao is a charity Organization to provide social welfare, give financial aid to the victims of disasters, to promote assistance to self-help groups, promote social justice and to study poverty in order to find its cause and provide a solution.
Those booths weren’t for any competition. They were offering a variety of games and entertainment for citizens, plus an extensive program of variety shows and stage performances running throughout the Bazaar. It’s for CHARITY ONLY.
All for a good cause. Hope you had fun.
Okay. I really wondered why the translation tool I used said "swimming competition"! I guess it was a cyber-cultural misunderstanding! ;-)
They all got along "swimmingly".
Oh well, it was all for a good cause.
U’re a lingual talent DOG. Knowing Chinese and singing German Song. BRAVO
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