Life of Interspersion

26 January 2007

What?? Tag me 70 questions?

Tagging questions to blog pals are quite common around the blogging world. It’s funny. I read Selba’s blog lately, she was tagged by someone for the following 70 a long tag. Then I read further more in her comment thread, huh, I found The Moody Minstrel tagged me. I don’t mind to accept his challenge and this is the first time for me to answer such kind of questions. Now, here you go....

1) Are your parents married or divorced?
Married. The last generation of Chinese must abide by their marriage promise.
As for the young generation, *sigh*

2) Are you a vegetarian?
No, I am not. I do like to eat vegetarian food occasionally.

3) Do you believe in Heaven?
I don’t know. I don’t have any religion. Interestingly, I have a peaceful & serious mood while I stay in the Church. Contrary, when I go to the Chinese Temple, I feel gruesome and horrible.

4) Have you ever come close to dying?
No. (touch wood, knocking at the desk)

5) What jewellery do you wear 24/7?.
A necklace with an opal stone pendant.

6) Favourite time of day?
Near around the evening, Time to go home after work in a day.

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
NOPE, strange taste.

8) Do you wear makeup?
Not often, except to a party or special dinner.

9) Ever have plastic surgery?
No, I won’t try it. Natural beauty is the best.

10) Do you color your hair?
I tried to color my hair in brown red long time ago.

11) What do you wear to bed?

12) Have you ever done anything illegal?

13) Can you roll your tongue?
Yeap, I can.

14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
Why I have to do that? I ‘ve a pair of pretty eyebrow. Don’t want to hurt it.

15) What kind of sneakers?
All Stars

16) Do you believe in Abortions?
Yes, I do.

17) What is your Hair color?

18) Future child’s name?
It isn’t my personal decision.

19) Do you snore?
No one tells me that.

20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Travel or Settle down? That’s different. :-)

21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Don’t need them now.

22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
I might have bug-eyes and could be left speechless at that moment.

23) Gold or silver? ----Silver

24) Hamburger or hot dog?
Hot dog

25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
sweet corn

26) City, beach or country?

27) What was the last thing you touched?
my office keys.

28) Where did you eat last?
Chinese DimSum (dumplings) in the restaurant nearby my working area.

29) When’s the last time you cried?
Haven’t cried for a long time.

30) Do you read blogs?
*O*, what am I doing now.??

31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
That’s easy and no problem for lady to dress like the opposite sex when go out. I do it sometimes. If a man do that…….(funny)

32) Ever been involved with the police?
I lost my purse.

33) What’s your favourite shampoo conditioner and soap?
Don’t have any specific one.

34) Do you talk in your sleep?
I am not sure it’s talk or not. My mom told me that I always reading English out loud when I fall asleep. That was happened long time ago while I studied in elementary School.

35) Ocean or pool?

36) So, who has the original missing questions? #36, 37, 61, and 62.
I want to know too.

37) Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?

38) Window seat or aisle?

39) Ever met anyone famous?
Famous singers from HK, Alan Tam; the President from Portugal visited Macao.

40) Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
Can’t say now, still a long way to go in my life.

41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I cut it with scissors first. .

42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Sorry, don’t familiar with them...

43) Basketball or Football? None of them.

44) How long do your showers last?
Depends on. If I am in a hurry to go somewhere else, 10 minutes are enough.

45) Automatic or do you drive a stick?
I don’t have driving license.

46) Cake or ice cream?
Can they be mix up together? Ice cream cake. ^_^

47) Are you self-conscious?
May be.

48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
No, I haven’t.

49) Have you ever given money to a beggar?
Yes, but not often. It’s hard to judge he/she is a real beggar or not in nowadays.

50) Have you been in love?

51) Where do you wish you were?
I wish I wasn’t born to this world.

52) Are you wearing socks?

53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Yes. (once).

54) Can you tango?

55) Last gift you received?
A box of chocolate (white one) from my colleague (she went to Malaysia at the end of Dec. last year)

56) Last sport you played?

57) Things you spend a lot of money on?

58) Where do you live?
Macau SAR of China.

59) Where were you born?
Somewhere in China.

60) Last wedding attended?
A wedding of my long-lost contacting elementary classmate. She's living in Taiwan now after her wedding.

61) Spit or swallow? swallow

62) Favorite position? Cross my arms in front of my chest.

63) Most hated food(s)? Food I hated: ones.

64) What’s your least favourite? Can’t think of any now.

65) Can you sing?
I think everybody can sing, just depends on he/she sings good or bad.
I can sing but I don’t have a nice voice. .

66) Last person you instant messaged?
I instant messages to my colleague in HK everyday, coz work needs.

67) Last place you went on holiday?
ZhuHai, ---MainLand China.

68) Favourite regular drink? Tea or Orange juice.

69) Current Song?Your Song - Elton John

70) Tag 3 friends: I won’t tag anyone, it’s a FREE WORLD.

Breathing a sigh of relief now. *(~_~)*

19 January 2007

豬年談 ”豬” 事

新的一年”豬”年剛剛開始, 而中國的陰曆新年亦即將來臨.

市面上有關 “豬” 的物品比比皆是. 例如: 新年裝飾物, 趣致的毛公仔..
而報張或者網絡的小篇幅亦有談及豬的種種事情. 好像關於豬的俗語:

中國人常常用動物來形容人, 很多都是含沙射影. 正如今年是豬年, 讓我們說些豬的中国俗語:

罵人愚昧 --- 豬那麼愚蠢
表示少見多怪, 或因見識淺薄而羞愧 ---
比喻見識再少也會懂的一些 ----
沒吃過豬肉, 也見過豬跑.
形容只能一起玩樂, 不能共患難的朋友 --- 豬朋狗友


我就不完全認同了. 在現實生活中, 豬是很有營養價值的. 正如豬肉是日常要吃的主要食糧, 也可用來煮湯, 豬扒可作燒烤,
每逢有喜宴 (結婚晚宴, 新年團年晚宴…)中, 第一道主菜不是一隻乳豬先出場嗎.

在傳統的文化中, 豬是家中之寶, 像征財富, 代表如意吉祥. 殺豬祭灶神來祈求如意,五穀豐收, 人畜興旺.

你看, 在下面相片中的豬家庭是多麼的可愛和和睦相處.

07 January 2007

A Speical JP Map Card and Gift from Jakarta

A very SPECIAL New Year greeting card sent from my Japanese colleague.
How commercial and educational card to promote Sights, Tastes and Toys of Regional JP. now I could found MM and PandaB are living in the no.15 area there.

After opening those flaps, you can see some interesting pictures and learn a bit simple Japanese as well. I like no.9 Kokeshi (doll) and no.24 – takoyaki (but I don’t know what it is)


An Indonesian Bookmark: (From Selba , thank YOU ^_^)

It is not just a little bookmark that simple, at least I learnt those beautiful puppets are all handmade in Ancient City of Yogyajakarta in Central Java. The Puppets date from when Java was a Hindu Kingdom and the puppets are used to retell the epic Indian Ramayana. Originally the story in which the demon king Ramana seized Sita the beautiful wife of Rama was set in Southern India. However Javanese Hinduism transplaced all the events to occur within Java. Now Java is Muslim, the whole court of Java escaped to neighbor Bali where Hinduism still flourishes.