豬年談 ”豬” 事
新的一年”豬”年剛剛開始, 而中國的陰曆新年亦即將來臨.
市面上有關 “豬” 的物品比比皆是. 例如: 新年裝飾物, 趣致的毛公仔..
而報張或者網絡的小篇幅亦有談及豬的種種事情. 好像關於豬的俗語:
中國人常常用動物來形容人, 很多都是含沙射影. 正如今年是豬年, 讓我們說些豬的中国俗語:
罵人愚昧 --- 豬那麼愚蠢
表示少見多怪, 或因見識淺薄而羞愧 --- 遼東之豬
比喻見識再少也會懂的一些 ---- 沒吃過豬肉, 也見過豬跑.
形容只能一起玩樂, 不能共患難的朋友 --- 豬朋狗友
我就不完全認同了. 在現實生活中, 豬是很有營養價值的. 正如豬肉是日常要吃的主要食糧, 也可用來煮湯, 豬扒可作燒烤,
每逢有喜宴 (結婚晚宴, 新年團年晚宴…)中, 第一道主菜不是一隻乳豬先出場嗎.
在傳統的文化中, 豬是家中之寶, 像征財富, 代表如意吉祥. 殺豬祭灶神來祈求如意,五穀豐收, 人畜興旺.

WOW!!! you change your template again? This one is very nice!!!
Oh, too bad, you write this post with chinese characthers, my computer at home can not recognize it, and I hardly can open blogs in my office anymore.
Say, I recognize that picture!
Pigs are only called "inferior" because they like to roll in dirt...and Jewish/Islamic law says they are unclean and shouldn't be eaten.
Hi PinkPanther, nice to 'meet' a blogger from Macau/HK side! I haven't used my Chinese in many years (living in the UK), since I did my Chinese GCSE years back, so attempting to read your Chinese posts will be good practice for me!
还有 - - 澳门的猪扒包!!!
有一些豬朋狗友还挺棒的,不是吗? 哈哈!!!
I am rambling some Chinese proverbs and funny piggy things about “Pig” 豬(in Mandarin is Zhu)in the Boar year.
Chinese uses animal to describe people frequently, most of them are attacked somebody by insinuation. For instance: The most popular slang in Chinese, 1) Describe a middle aged woman who has wrinkles on her face or a very fat lady, they call them as 豬扒 (Pork Chop)(in Mandarin is Zhu Pai)
2) Analogy the inferior person as 豬狗不如 (literally: not equal to a Pig or a Dog)(in Mandarin: Zhu Gao Bu Ru)
3) Blame benighted people as 豬那麼愚蠢 (literally: silly/clumsy as Pig)in Mandarin: Zhu na ma yu dun).
But, I though Pig’s natural disposition isn’t that pitiful, don’t you think so? ;-) At least, we eat pork every day almost. Pig has very hight,value nutrition. Actually, piggy is lovely too.
The Moody Minstrel:
*O*, you saw that picture somewhere else in the net-world. May be it’s a chain-picture go through around.
I know, there is a story that God cast the devil into a pig. Therefore, pork and any pork products (some types of gelatin, and lard) and even leather goods from the pig are forbidden to Muslims.
Though, some countries in east of Asia do see pigs as one of the important food in life. One kind of pork--黑豚 in JP is famous also, rite?
I understand you left your hometown since you were young. As our roots are Chinese thus we have or must to understand Chinese, aren’t we? I thought you would understand 80% from my Chinese post. Don’t be humble. ;-)
Wow…you did well to do your Chinese GCSE in there, not bad.
猪扒包?? 我都不明白那些港客和外地游客为甚么那么喜欢吃它? 只不过是一块普通的猪扒….我就比较喜欢吃这里出名的猪肉乾啦..
Some people keep small "pot bellied" pigs as indoor pets. Pigs are quite smart.
May all pigs be happy.
You had been reared “pot bellied” pig as your pet in Hawaii or Maui before. ;^)
Hm...hm...I prefer a bullion Pig as my bet in my home, that’s much better & Happy.
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