Life of Interspersion

30 March 2007

Inefficient Postal Service

討厭! 討厭! 討厭!

最近我對這兒的郵遞服務很不滿意. 因為已是第四次延遲傳遞郵件給我或寄失.不知是我倒霉還是甚麼的!

一般從海外寄來的信或者是郵包只須六個工作天便可收到, 普通的信是派到家裏的郵箱裏, 而小郵包則要等收到郵政局的通知書才可以去領取. 因為郵箱细小.

最近, 我朋友于十六號從日本寄了一個小郵包給我, 我等了差不多十天, 還收不通知書. 於是往郵局櫃臺查詢. 我不是投訴, 只是問清楚.

我問櫃臺的員工那小郵包到了沒有, 說明了郵包的來源, 何時寄出..等等資料...

員工很推卸責任地回應我, 這不是我的責任, 是郵遞員負責派的. (我心想,難道我要去問郵遞員嗎?)我說這不是第一次延遲通知我, 上一次的信抵達了郵局一星期也沒有人通知我. 櫃臺員工叫我留下聯絡電話給他, 假若找到便致電我. 我問他何時會通知, 他說不知道. 真是過份, 找一份郵件要那麼長時間嗎?


討厭! 討厭! 討厭! 這些就是政府部門執行ISO service 的結果?


Blogger The Moody Minstrel said...

It sounds like you ended up going to a lot of trouble for that package your friend sent you! That's a shame. A present from a friend shouldn't end up being a source of frustration.

And people wonder why public postal services are becoming so unpopular?

9:07 PM
Blogger Pandabonium said...

That's very frustrating. And one feels powerless when dealing with a government organization like that.

I've been lucky. In all my years on Maui, the postal employees there always gave excellent service, and so far I've had the same from our local post office in Japan.

The only problems I've had have been with US customs holding up things I've sent to the USA.

Perhaps there is a complaint form you can file and hope someone higher up can do something?

10:56 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Moody Minstrel
And people wonder why public postal services are becoming so unpopular?
Let Bill Gates answers this inquiry! Hello, Dr. Bill Gates, DO YOU KNOW WHY??????? ;-)

I haven’t sent postal-mail or letters to overseas almost 2 years. I remembered in last year, I posted around 16 Christmas/New years greeting cards to my friends and relatives, after the post office staff helped me to stamped stamps and let me know how much should I have to pay, I almost speechelss to her. Then I asked: “How come it’s so expensive now?” The Staff said: “ guys seldom sending mails in nowadays, thus why you don’t know the postage are soared. Otherwise, the post office doesn’t have any profit!” ^_^


Yes, you are really lucky could encountered the excellent postal services whether in Maui or JP.

Actually in the past, their services wasn’t that worst. I figure out why the packages or letters were delayed to customers, the main reason is lack of manpower. During these 2 or 3 years, most of front-line serving staff in the Government Department or lower-middle-class workers had changed their careers into the gambling industry. (High remuneration, more benefits).

They do placed a suggestion/complaint box in the lobby, I’ll write a letter to the concerned Department soon.!!!

7:46 PM
Blogger HappySurfer said...

The Postal Service here has improved since it was privatised. My only grouse is that there are not many Post Offices so the queues are long and at times the waiting can be more than 30 minutes. Am I impatient or what?

5:35 PM
Blogger PinkPanther said...

Ha..ha...sure you're a patient ppl lar...line-up there for 30 minutes for collecting mails. As for me, errrrrrrrrrrrr ;-P

12:59 PM

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