
你們見到這架粉橙色有只松鼠的飛機嗎? 是那么別致, 卡通化. 我就是乘坐此澳門航空客機往中國的華東地區(南京, 無錫, 蘇州, 杭州及上海)走馬看花地遊覽了五日.
首天, 全部團員集合于澳門機場的離境大堂, 此行約有二十位團友, 多半是中年夫婦, 只有六位年青年人. 但是他們都很健談的.
我們乘坐中午十二時二十五分的飛機往南京,(午飯就要在飛機上吃), 到達南京已是下午三時…天氣非常差, 還下毛毛雨, 約七至十一度. 導遊還告訴我們在這五天行程中, 要記得七十一. 不要誤會是七十一便利店, 而是早上七時起床, 晚上十一時回酒店. 欸!!! 這么差的天氣環境下, 教我們那有心情去遊覽???
一小時車程後, 我們到達了宏偉的南京長江大橋, 甚么也看不到, 也拍不到照片. 結過只留在室內的陳列館聽了關於此橋的一點兒歷史背景. 簡潔而言, 由數目一到十都能了解它的資料.
二)有上下兩層行車, 上層行普通車輛, 下層行火車.
三)此橋由三段組成, 中間一段主橋及兩座引橋.
四 - 五) 上層長4.5 公里.
六 - 七) 下層長6.7 公里.
八) 用了八年去建成.
九) 它有九個橋柱.
十) 為中國十全十美的大橋.
晚餐時, 吃過地道的鹽水鴨. (非常難吃). 之後, 去夫子廟市場一行便回酒店休息.
到中國漁米之鄉無錫市. 遊覽中國第三大淡水湖─太湖. 乘船看看三國城的拍攝場景而已.
參觀著名的盤門三景: 有瑞光塔, 水城盤門及吳門橋. 瑞光塔建于北宋, 而水城盤門則建于春秋時代, 為蘇州僅存的古城. 盤門的水陸城門並存, 透過城門便見到跨越古運河的吳門橋. 在此只短短的停留半小時, 但已體會到蘇州的獨特粉牆黛瓦建築及綠柳飄揚園林景色.
接著, 就到蘇州的第一絲綢廠看繅絲. 從業人員講解了從養蠶開始, 到蠶絲如何一根根抽出來上繅絲的過程, 然後做成絲綢成品. 哈..許多的團員及觀光客也被現場之製成的蠶絲被所動心而購買了.
在幾天旅程中較吸引我的地點當然是杭州的西湖. 西湖三面環山, 湖的面積是6.03平方公里. 湖面上有白, 蘇兩堤 . 將湖面分為五個小湖; 湖中有孤山, 亭園, 人工島…等. 其中船, 是杭州西湖中不能代替的獨特景致, 坐著那古典的畫舫漫遊及欣賞西湖的十景, 仿如置身于詩情畫意的世外桃園中的感覺. 難怪宋代的文學家蘇軾在他的一首詩中稱頌道: “欲把西湖比西子, 淡壯濃抹總相宜”.
最後一天只有四小時逗留在上海. 因為要于下午二時前趕赴機場辦登機手續.所以八時在酒店吃完早餐後乘車往上海的黃浦外灘一行, 在那坐國際聲名的地標---東方明珠塔前留影, 然後再去參觀小吃天堂城皇廟及上海老街遊覽購物. 在上海老街中, 我們當然品嘗了馳名而正宗的南翔小籠包. 還買了些當地的食品作手信..如: 紅豆白兔糖, 奶油五香豆…等.
不經不覺已到了中午一時半, 領隊催促我們要乘車往上海浦東國際機場. 當辦完所有登機手續時, 只是三時半, 使我們在候機室等了一小時才可上機. 由上海回澳門只須兩小時. 底達澳門機場已是七時半, 再取回所有行李及過關, 回到家已差不多八時. 雖然是很疲倦, 但此時此刻的感覺是最舒服的. 因有一張溫暖的床可以熟睡.
You are back!!!
Welcome :)
Ah... so you went to mainland China! No pictures? Did you buy a lot of stuff there?
What’s wrong with you Selba? 2:25 a.m. (yr. time) still blog around so late ;-p
Pictures? (sigh) Almost all the ways were rained and cold during my trip in Mainland China, except the last day in Shanghai. Thus, how could I take pretty photo?
Now, I see your new profile pic. nice rose. :-)
I haven’t bought stuff so much, only bought few bags of white rabbit candies with red bean taste and butter broad beans to my colleagues 'n neighbour.
Hahaha... 2.25 am! yup, that time, just came back home from chitchat with friends at starbucks cafe :)
Ah.. too bad, no pretty pics, but maybe there are also dull pics to share ;)
White rabbit candies? Whoaaaa... I like it!!! but we don't have the red bean nor butter beans taste in Indonesia, only got the milky one.
做麽也没相咯? haha! 等住le... aha!
Hey, friends,
Still wanna see those dull + blur + awful PinkPanther's photos?
Sadly, I don’t know how to put them in the webshot or flickr or picasa 'n link to my blog., anyone can HELP?
Actually without webshot/flickr/picasa, you still can d/l your pictures directly from blogger.com
Well, I've been using flickr lately, so maybe you can try it also. First, you need to sign in as a member then you just need to upload your pictures there then you can put in your blog.
Welcome back! We were seriously missing you! (Of course, I've been offline lately because of preparing for that concert last Saturday, but anyway...)
Time to start cutting and pasting that post into Babel Fish...
try use
you'll get the free links prepared for you. or try..
all photos of yours will be stored in the available server
Selba & Wayne
Thank you for yours information and help, will try.
The Moody Minstrel
Glad to see you on-line again after that K.P. concert, I wonder could we see each other on-line at the same time in here?
Hoping Babel Fish translation tool could help you to read/understand my post. :=)
Actually, I am not quiet sure what I wrote in it.
Seems like you had an interesting trip. Hope you get some photos up too.
PP, welcome back. Holidays are always nice though tiring. Looking forward to some photos.
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