Life of Interspersion

10 August 2007


在澳門這小島裡, 大型的百貨公司實再寥寥無幾. 所以平時的週末沒甚么特別的好去處時,唯獨是到此家最大型百貨公司----八佰伴[首家分店設立於1992年]來逛逛.

最近閱報時, 得知在這個星期裡於八佰伴二樓舉行一個日本美食節, 於是昨天下午放工後前往看看有甚麼特別的貨品售賣.

嘩! 琳琅滿目的日式貨品呈現下我眼前.很想每樣都買些品嘗.因為所有貨品都是由日本製造且空運來這兒售賣及做宣傳的.在澳門很少可以買到. 例如有: 水果: [四方的形的西瓜,日本哉種的木瓜],汽水:[百事的黃瓜汽水, 日本裝的可樂..], 點心:[甜薯,日式餃子…],連日式包裝的米也有...但是價錢方面則昂貴了一點兒.

最後, 我只買了這兩樣零食,就是蘋果汁及枝豆的薯條. 蘋果汁有很濃郁的蘋果味,還有一粒粒蘋果肉在裡面, 比POKKA的四洲粒粒橙汁好味的多啦.
枝豆吃入口時很脆, 没有鹹味的感觉.非常之好味!

待將來有機會參觀日本時, 肯定會瘋狂購物一番! 到時的賬單賬單可能難以想像! :-p


Blogger The Moody Minstrel said...

Hey! I recognize those green, edamame (枝豆) flavored crisps! I LOVE those things! Can you get those in Macau?

I noticed the apple juice is Japanese, too.

(Now I'll spend some time on BabelFish with the post...)

7:30 PM
Blogger The Moody Minstrel said...

Okay, now I've read the post. What a shopping adventure!

You really do need to come to Japan sometime and go crazy in some of the famous shopping districts!

7:34 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though you like those things, but don’t eat too much of those crisp things, otherwise you’ll have stomatitis. :-)

9:29 PM
Blogger Wayne said...


4:06 PM
Blogger HappySurfer said...

Junkfood! Nice. Actually, I'm not a junkfood junkie but once in awhile, I do indulge.

5:36 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

謝謝你提供的網站, 確實很有資訊性及參考性. 我已將它標記在電腦中, 留于日後參考用.
閱覽別人的網志內的遊記精華, 總比自已在網上萬無到目的地去搜索好得多啦!

U’re not a junkfood junkie. I am just the opposite of you. I especially like peanuts and soybeans(李禧記八珍豆).

11:22 PM
Blogger Pandabonium said...

Sounds yummy - in moderation. I've had those edamame crispy thingies and liked them.

But generally, I like the basic foods rather than the snacks made from them.

Nice link from Wayne. :^)

3:33 PM
Blogger Robin CHAN said...

PP.. did u know they close the branch of Yaohan in Singapore?

Saw the new Casino in the news, The venetian... so much like the one in Las vagas.

Will look forward to u blogging it.

5:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said it right! Munchies are yummy – in moderation. People do that often while they take a long journey in the tour coach or even in plane.
I especially like it when I watch movie in the theatre.

Haven’t seen you for ages. ^_^

Sad to hear the branch of Yaohan in SG. closed. Luckily, the one in here still open and will be moved to a new commercial building in Central part soon, a bit larger than the old one.

As you saw the news, the Venetian is the same structure/design as the one in Las Vegas. It is the largest Casino/Hotel in Asia. To be a local resident in here, we should feel proud to have a grand entertainment area in Macau.

Actually, it was difficult to get a ticket to see this great opening event on yesterday. Moreover, I don’t want to be a Sardine stuck in there. If I have time, surely will go to walk around, take some photos and let you know that. :=)

11:44 PM
Blogger HappySurfer said...

Yaohan has also closed down in KL and has been for some years now. I used to enjoy shopping in their department stores because of their Japanese designs and workmanship. What a loss.

12:06 PM
Blogger Nicole said...

Ok I can't read chinese very well (make that not al all...) but the food looks this in macau?

3:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Nicole:

I wonder your Chinese is very good. Don't be humble ;-p

Yes, there was a mini Japanese food festival (promotion) held in the New Yaohan right here. That's why I bought it.
But now, I can’t buy them anymore.

3:52 PM

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