現在去戲院看電影的人甚少, 完全是多謝那些大量製造翻版電影碟的商家及有互聯網的緣故.在這兒的電影院只剩下兩三間可供市民去看戲. 通常播放的都是港產片多, 而其它的都是荷里活的影片.
適逢最近一周為澳門國國際電影節, 在文化中心放影一系列的精彩的影片: 包括有本地人製造的, 有來自臺灣, 南非, 澳洲....等.
今天是電影節的最後一天, 我看了一套在中東---黎巴嫩拍的電影 ----[美女髮廊].

第一次觀賞黎巴嫩的電影, 感覺很特別及有一份新意. 此片是用阿拉伯語對白, 但有英文字幕.
故事是講述五位女士在貝魯特相逢於一間髮廊裏工作. 她們的話題都是圍繞著男人,性別, 焦糖脫毛, 理髮和母親之間.
導演籍著五位女士在回教國家生活,領悟到女人要走出廚房在髮廊工作絕不簡單,雖然她們的自信及美貌都具備, 但煩惱重重,一個想修補處女膜的人,一位發明星夢的女孩,一位愛上女同性戀,而另一個則愛上已婚男人的女人,在髮廊內呼吸自由的空氣,美麗,快樂與哀愁.
從此片中可帶領我們從另一鏡頭去洞察黎巴嫩人的事與物. 例如: 欣賞到黎巴嫩人婚禮, 他們對宗教的忠心, 女性在中東地區的地位...等,值得觀看.
Watching foreign films like that is always fascinating because it gives a good glimpse of everyday life in those countries and how different it is from our own.
I don't think DVDs and the internet will ever completely replace movie theaters. They just don't have the same effect.
You said it right! I am always like watching movies in the cinemas which has more atmospheres and to feel the actors performing style.
However, unfortunately the showing period for those good films is always in a very short period; have to buy a DVD after it.
What kind of abroad movies are shown often in your area? [Except those donkeys films];-)
Movie theaters bother me. I like the big screen, but there are several draw backs compared to watching a dvd. First is the sound in the theater tends to be way too loud. Then there are the people who talk during the movie, or eat loudly, or make noise with candy wrappers, etc. Very annoying considering what one has to pay to get in these days. Finally, with a DVD I can pause the movie and go to the bathroom or get something from the kitchen - not so in the theater.
Watching foreign film is always interesting. Japanese TV programs with English subtitles is one way I learned about Japan when I still lived in the US.
Well, you have your own reason and everyone has his/her own needs for watching films at home or in the theater.
Yes, with a DVD you could pause the movie, but I would feel it couldn’t to accomplish something at one go.
Recently, I watched an interesting new on TV, they said some movie theatres in US nowadays are really lack of audiences than before. Then they thought of some attractive business sales point, set up movie theaters as a Bar or a restaurant, so audience can enjoy watching movie as well as drinking or having dinner.
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