記憶力衰退 還是 失憶??
一般人的概念都認為人的記憶力會因年齡的老化而衰退, 我突然間反問自已, 今天黃昏所發生的此情此景, 到底是自已年齡大了, 還是突然間失憶呢?
我下午放工回家時, 路經一家酒店的大堂, 見到一位菲律賓籍贯的女士同我打招呼.
她確實記得我的名字及知道我以前在大學做事. 我當時覺的很莫名其妙. 但是也有對她作出親切回應.
她說”Hello, P.P. 你不認的我嗎?”
我說”你個樣很熟, 你是?”
她說:”我是Chris .”
我回答: “啊! Chris. {其實我是扮演/裝模作樣地說}
她說:’為甚麼會在這個區域見到你, 你沒有在大學做事嗎?”
我說: “沒有啦, 已經三年”
她說:”真是好啦, 可以在這兒和你重聚.”
就這樣, 我們談話了一會兒, 她問我取了聯絡電話. 我因為要趕快回家, 所以與她告辭了.
回家後, 我想了很久, 依然覺的奇怪, 到底她是誰? 我們在那兒認識?
I think trying to remember things is something quite like trying to look for something misplaced or like problem-solving. You go frantic looking for it, totally putting it away not thinking about it, and all of a sudden, the answer comes to you or you are able to locate the misplaced item.
PP, I'm sure you'd find your answer later.
Just be thankful ur not someone who works closely with lots of people for only a short time. That's what I do. I'm often greeted like an old friend by people I don't remember at all.
It's scary, innit?
donkey lungs again????? Who are YOU? Where are you from???
When I was about 10 I was buying something at a store and the clerk - a young woman of maybe 18 or 20 - said, "thank you Panda". I was startled! Who was she? How did she know my name? Was she a friend of my oldest sister? My face was as blank as my mind and the girl explained...
I was wearing a hat from Disneyland with my name embroidered on it!
PP, I'm sure you'd find your answer later.
I tried to find out the answer, but finally not. You know that Philippine lady told me where she works now, thus I phoned to her company trying to contact her on the other day. Huh, one staff told me that there isn’t such a lady works in that company! All in all, it’s really kind of scary as the Donkey Lungs said.
{P.P. is chuckling}!
Hey...I didn’t put my employee's card on my shirt. :-}
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