Life of Interspersion

30 July 2006

A special Vase

I put something different in the sitting room on today as to create a happy mood on weekend, so I did a simple flower arrangement. Though I am not an Expert to handle it, it looks great after I did some trimming and arrangement.

There are a few vases are stored in my house. This one should be my most favorite one which was bought from Beijing in 1998 when I studied Mandarin there. It looks very artistic.

(My fond of Vase with Duhuang fresco)

You might notice the carving picture on it that is the very famous Duhuang fresco in China. Duhuang located in the Gobi dessert, it features many beautiful wall fresco paintings and more than 3,000 sculptures dating from the fourth to the fourteenth century. Such a historical country, I must go to a visit in the future!

24 July 2006


23 July 2006


From cha cha to four steps, then Tango, Waltz….Whew!! Whew!!!
A dazzling stage,pairs and pairs of skillful Dancers dressed in gorgeous ball room dress and danced in a harmony dancing movements.…it wasn’t a show in the club. It was the Macau International Championships of Latin and Standard-dance which was held in function room in Macau Tower.

Ei…eh…although I don’t know how to dance or not a good dancer, I enjoy to see this kind of competition sometimes. Especially the event held on Saturday, my friend represented Hong Kong to participate the Open and Close Professional stand competitions. Of course, I have to cheer her on.

The whole championship started from noon to 9:00p.m and it was divided into three sections:
Noon section: Close Juvenile Latin under 12 years
All competitors were from HK, Mainland China and Macau. They must present Cha cha, Rumba, Tango and Jive per round.
There’s a little pair came from China, they are only 6 years and the very shortest, cuteness one in this section. The little girl is taller than the boy. They attracted a lot of audiences who showed for their no. “113, 113 Ka Iao (Ganbate)” Finally, they awarded an award.

Afternoon Section:
Close Amateur Standard plus Close Professional Standard. It was the same, participants were from HK, China and Macao. Somehow, it was a bit difficulty for them. They had to perform Waltz, Tago, Four Steps, Quick steps for each round.
My friend won the 2nd runner up. (OH….oh….yeh!!!!!!!!!!!) Bravo..!

Evening Section: Open Professional Latins
All teams are from overseas, Australia, England, Finland, German, Taiwan….etc.
This part was the most wonderful part in the whole day. Which country won?
It’s England Team. !

Here are some photos. (forgive my poor photo taking skills and the poor camera).


(My friend and her partner)

(The Winner--From England)

(Presentation of Prize)

19 July 2006


Bookmark”? Am I going to talk about web-based bookmark repository? No, of course not!

Bookmarks are the favorite collection of PinkPanther since she was in Grade 3 until now. A series of book marks collection are not just gave me deeply footprints in my various stages of life, also to apprehend some truth of human’s life from it’s nice wording or poem.

Especially this: (A gift from my Dad. I stick it on my desk as a motto).

"Don’t Quit”

** When Things Go Wrong as
They sometimes will, when
The road you’re trudging seems all up hill.
When the Funds are low and
The Debts are high and
You want to smile but
You have to sigh.
When care is pressing,
You down a bit,
Rest if you must, but DON’T QUIT.

**Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us,
Sometimes learns, and
Many a failure turns about.
When he might have won,
Had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up.
Though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

**Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and
You never can tell
How close you are,
It may be near when
It seems so far;
So stick to the fight when
You are hardest hit,
It’s when things seem worst that
You must NOT QUIT.

12 July 2006


在現今二十一世紀科技資訊發達的年代, 人們通信,交流訊息的方式也隨之改變. 往昔那些甚麼白鴿傳書, 書信交筆友….等已被電腦網絡聯繫媒體所取代. 如: Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger, ICQ,. IPhone, net-meeting.. 我們應該為此而高興還是慨歎!

事實上,有很多人也是通過以上方法來結交朋友,尋找配偶.在我周邊的朋友, 亦有好幾個實例,成功地找到自已的另一半.是他們幸運之果??

在虛擬的網絡世界裏可以任意改編一個網名和那些沒有見過面的人交談, 可以輸發自已情感, 盡吐苦水, 總好過面對面去指責現實裏的朋友或家人. 而且可以瞭解別國的文化及他們生活見聞.

我也嘗試過和不同國家的人閒聊, 但很多都是短站性的無聊之談的網友.只有幾位保持了六年的時間, 現在還有繼續聯繫. 但我對於這點還是覺的有點疑惑,到底網絡之友可以深交嗎? 我們可否成為真正的朋友?
09 July 2006

A New baby Monkey


I haven’t been to the Zoo to see animals for a quiet long time. Coincidently, one of my friend celebrated her daughter 's birthday on yesterday and asked me to participate their activity which was go to the zoo near around my house for having some fun. Surely I promised.

Though the zoo isn’t very big one, there are various larks, animals are there attracted children or family to see, e.g. Robin, Swallow, Pigeon, Bears, Goat…etc. While we were strolling in the zoo, my friend’s daughter suddenly shouted to her mother, “Hey, Mom, come over here! You see that baby monkey, it’s cute, it has gold fur.!!!”.

AH..there was a newly born baby monkey in this Zoo, it’s a type of Monkey calls Francoisi’ Leaf Monkey. That baby girl monkey was born in May this year, it has five family members (included her parents), one brother is 3.5 years and a sister in 2 years. Their parents were donated to here from GuangXi Province of MainLand China in June 2000.

According to the Zoo Keeper' s explanation, this kind little monkey has gold fur of it' s whole body when it was born, then will peel off their golden fur into black fur little by little.
Interestingly, you can see it' s long long tail which is longer than it' s slim body. A tuft of hair upstanding on it’s head, a pinch of white hair on it’s cheek. WHAT A LOVELY MONKEY.

I heard people said this sometimes: “If someone was born in the year of Monkey, he/she has a very clever, nimble character.” I do believe it, because some friends around me, they are in this character. How about you?

02 July 2006

Lotus Festival


Pure, fragrant and pretty flowers – LOTUS are always attracted me to see. Yes, it’s an annually Lotus Festival in here. In such a hot weather (34 C. degrees) plus almost sweating while I am staying in my home (sigh). Because I live in the 4th floor of a flat and the balcony is just at the top part. Thus, I decided to go out for a walk and took a short bus trip to Taipa Island. When the bus was passing
through the Bridge, I saw a lovely sky with piles of white clouds such as those large pieces of cottons.

Well. What if I’ve a pair of wings that could fly over there, it sounds fairy ^_^.

After 30 minutes, I arrived at the Taipa Garden. All of those blooming lotus were waiting for me to capture their beauties.

(Lotus Pond) A tiny egret is standing inside that house, can you see that?

(White vs Pink)